Marketing & Behavioural Science Division


About marketing & marketing management

Marketing is fundamentally concerned with the process by which individuals, households, or organizations adopt, maintain, or discard patterns of behaviour. 


Marketing management consists of a system of interrelated activities that seeks to understand present and potential users and usage systems in detail, to develop products and services that are appropriate for the selected market segments, and to determine and implement price, distribution, and communication strategies. Its aim is to lead to achievement of the organization's goals.

Our research

Research by Sauder Marketing faculty is highly regarded both in Canada and abroad. On the basis of research grants, membership on journal editorial boards, or publications placed in leading marketing journals, UBC ranks first in Canada.

Individual researchers within the Marketing and Behavioural Science Division range from the applied to theoretical and may focus on the marketing operations of firms in the private sector or public sector, on domestic and/or international markets; on consumer or industrial marketing behaviour; or in the social impact of marketing activities. 

Image of woman with a headset talking