Learning Services

Sandbox technologies

New online tools

The following new online tools are available for experimentation and implementation, with limited support. Please contact us at for more information on these tools. If you feel strongly about the usage of any of these tools, please encourage others to also experiment so that if the demand is high enough, we will strive to have these technologies integrated into our fully supported Service Catalogue.

  • Badgr is an open source tool for recognizing and tracking achievements.

  • Custom tools to manage Canvas via scripting. For more information, please visit

  • Crowdmark is an online collaborative grading platform that enables educators to evaluate student work more effectively. See Learning Technology Hub resources for more information. (Note: central funding for Crowdmark is set to expire at the end of 2021 W2.)

  • My Learning Analytics (MyLA) is a dashboard in Canvas that gives you and your students feedback about their engagement with course materials, assignments, and grades. You can enable two visualizations for students. One is a summary of the resources that students and their peers have accessed, and the other provides students with a way of setting grade-based goals and planning their assignment completion.

    For more information see MyLA Instructor Guide (LT Hub).

  • Gradescope is an application for grading online, designed for easing the challenges of grading collaboratively with a teaching team, particularly on exams.

    For more information see LT Hub's Gradescope Instructor Guide. (Note: central funding for Gradescope is set to expire at the end of 2021 W2.)

  • peerScholar is a peer review tool that allows a high degree of granularity and customization in how you have students review one another’s work. peerScholar assignments have three phases: students submit work, students evaluate peer work and provide feedback, and students reflect on the outcomes (i.e., read the feedback received and, optionally, evaluate the feedback and/or revise and resubmit their work).

    For more information see peerScholar Instructor Guide (LT Hub).

  • Peerwise is a tool that invites students to quiz each other by creating and sharing their own multiple-choice questions and answering those written by their peers. Developed by the University of Auckland, PeerWise can help you identify common misunderstandings in a course, while students help each other to study and review course content.

    For more information see PeerWise Instructor Guide (LT Hub).

  • is an audience interaction platform for meetings and events. It allows organisers to crowdsource top questions and get instant feedback via live polls.

  • Snagit allows you to easily capture screenshots or screen captures (screen recordings) in a user friendly, easily shareable way. Snagit is available UBC-wide at no cost.

    For more information see Snagit Instructor Guide (LT Hub).

  • Threadz is a learning analytics and social network analysis tool for Canvas that allows users to visualize the social dynamics of discussion forums.

    Threadz is currently being piloted as part of the UBC Learning Analytics Project and is available for instructors to try in their courses. To find out more visit the Learning Analytics Project’s website.

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