PhD in Business Administration

Financial support


For incoming students, our financial support includes covering the cost of your tuition and providing you with a stipend to cover your living expenses for the first five years of the program. The stipend will be $40,000 per year for the first four years and $30,000 in your fifth year.  

We also cover the cost of your AMS/GSS student fees for the first five years of the program. These fees provide you with many services, such as UPass for public transit, as well as extended medical insurance, including dental and mental health coverage. Details can be found here:
The source of funding for the stipend will include a combination of fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching assistantships. The division you seek to join can provide additional details. As well, you will have the opportunity to teach at least one course on your own near the end of your program after completing our PhD teaching seminar.  

Doctoral students are expected to be in residence year-round. For academic reasons, outside employment is discouraged. Course work, research papers, seminars, and summer research projects are all challenging and time-consuming. 

Early application for admission to the doctoral program significantly increases opportunities for financial assistance.

For further information

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council Funding

The Government of Canada, through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council (NSERC), offers substantial fellowships to assist Canadian research and scholarship. The awards are made on a competitive basis to Canadian citizens and landed immigrants. Nominations for SSHRC and NSERC Fellowships are solicited directly from the Faculty in September for the following year.

International students should contact their home university's awards office for information on fellowships and scholarships.

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