Ch'nook Accelerated Business Program

Course content options

ABP courses

Community Entrepreneurship Course


The ABP Community Entrepreneurship Course is our entrepreneurship and business start-up focused course. The course focuses on developing participants’ entrepreneurial ideas into fully-fledged business plans. Each component of the business plan (e.g., marketing plan, cash flow statements) is a touchpoint for learning the business concepts behind it through lectures, activities, and homework assignments. At the end of the ABP Community Entrepreneurship Course, students are expected to use their newly constructed business plans to present their businesses to the class in the style of a funding pitch (think of the show Dragon’s Den). 

Students who participate throughout the course and present at the end receive a graduation certificate.

Community Project Management Course

The ABP Community Project Management Course is our introduction to project management course. The course focuses on developing participants’ project management skills and creating effective project plans. Students learn the foundational skills of project management (as established by the Project Management Institute) and then apply them to their own real-world experiences over a series of lectures and activities. Throughout the course, students will develop and refine a full project plan, which is then submitted and/or presented as a final project for the course.

Students who participate throughout the course and present their project receive a graduation certificate.


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