
UBC Sauder Lift Learning Cycle

In this year's iterations, UBC Sauder LIFT has pivoted to delivering teachings in a hybrid format. Current UBC students, alumni, and faculty members collaborated to produce 70+ online learning videos and assessments designed to support entrepreneurs with business ideas and existing businesses. 

Students engaged in asynchronous online videos, which served as a precursor for synchronous classes held at the Kibera Town Centre where 5 local trainers greeted participants and the UBC Sauder LIFT Canada Team Zoomed in to provide a deep-dive into topics previously covered in the asynchronous videos. At the end of the program, UBC Sauder LIFT participants applied the business knowledge they learned to present their developed business ideas to a panel of judges during Pitch Day.

UBC Sauder LIFT Curriculum Design 2021-2022


The Learning Cycle

Asynchronous Videos for phase 1 & 3

Students teaching live in the studio

Phases 2, 4 and 5

Participants at the Kibera Town Centre for the 2021 Spring Pitch Day

Phase 6