
Explore your hiring options

Hire UBC Sauder Interns and Co-op students for short-term projects and initiatives during their academic program, or hire upcoming and recent graduates for full-time roles. Promote your job opportunities and organization at no cost to our outstanding and diverse groups of students, saving you time and money.

Post an internship

Hire candidates throughout the year with positions starting in September, January, May/June. Promote your opportunities on COOL—our online recruitment platform—and reach up to 4,200 current students.

Post a job

Hire new graduates and recent alumni throughout the year. Promote your opportunities on COOL—our online recruitment platform—and reach upcoming and recent graduates.


We make it easy for you to interview UBC Sauder candidates. We can provide the facilities, schedule interviews, and take care of all the logistical details

Develop a strategy

Develop a campus recruitment strategy and work with us to navigate your options and build a plan to target the student groups you want to reach

Profile book

Preview profiles of new talent looking for internships and profiles of upcoming graduates available for full-time positions. We can connect you directly with potential candidates who have appropriate experience, knowledge and career interests. 
Image of woman with a headset talking