
Ilan Vertinsky


Ilan Vertinsky

BA (Hebrew), PhD (California, Berkeley)
Vinod Sood Professor in International Business
Professor, Strategy and Business Economics Division and Operations and Logistics Division

Selected publications

  • Vertinsky, I., Kuang, Y., Zhou, D., & Cui, V. (2023) "The political economy and dynamics of bifurcated world governance and the decoupling of value chains: An alternative perspective" Journal of International Business Studies, Doi: 10.1057/s41267-023-00597-z.
  • Kant, S., & Vertinsky, I. (2022). "The anatomy of social capital of a Canadian indigenous community: Implications of social trust field experiments for community-based forest management". Forest Policy and Economics, 144, 102822.
  • Yumagulova, L., Vertinsky I. (2021) "Managing urban and regional resilience trade-offs", Cities, vol,119,103319
  • Yumagulova, L., Vertinsky I., (2019) "Moving beyond engineering supremacy: Knowledge systems for urban resilience in Canada’s Metro Vancouver region." Environmental Science and Policy . 100:66-73 DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2019.05.022
  • Minbaeva, D., Park, C., Vertinsky, I., Cho, Y. (2018)"Disseminative capacity and knowledge acquisition from foreign partners in international joint ventures" Journal of of World Business, 53:5 712-724.
  • Cui, V., Young H., Vertinsky I. (2018) "Attacking Your Partners: Strategic Alliances and Competition Between Partners in Product Markets".  Strategic Management Journal, 39 (12) 3116-3139.
  • Brander, J., Cui V., Vertinsky I. (2017) "China and Intellectual Property Rights: A Challenge to the Rule of Law" Journal of International Business Studies, September, Volume 48, Issue 7, 908-921.
  • Kant, S. Vertinsky, I. Zheng. B. (2016) "Valuation of First Nations Peoples' Social, Cultural, and Land Use Activities Using Life Satisfaction Approach" Forest Policy and Economics, 72:46-55.
  • Pe'er, A., Vertinsky, I. Keil, T. (2016) "Growth and Survival: The Moderating Effects of Local Agglomeration and Local Market Structure" Strategic Management Journal, 37(3) 541-564.

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