
Barbara Spencer

Barbara Spencer

Barbara Spencer

BEc (A.N.U.), MEc (Monash), PhD (Carnegie-Mellon)
Asia Pacific Chair in International Trade Policy
Professor Emeritus, Strategy and Business Economics Division

Selected publications

  • Brander, J.A., Spencer, B.J. (2015) "Intra-Industry Trade with Bertrand and Cournot Oligopoly: The Role of Endogenous Horizontal Product Differentiation", Research in Economics, forthcoming 2015
  • Feenstra, R., Hong, C., Ma, H., Spencer, B.J. (2013). "Contractual versus non-contractual trade: The role of institutions in China." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 94, October 2013, 281-294
  • Dimand, R., Spencer, B.J. (2009). "Trevor Swan and the Neoclassical Growth Model." History of Political Economy, 41 (annual sup), 107-126.  
  • Spencer, B.J. (2005). "International Outsourcing and Incomplete Contracts." Canadian Journal of Economics, 38(4), 1107-1135. 
  • Head, K., Ries, J., Spencer, B.J. (2004). "Vertical Networks and U.S. Auto Parts Exports: Is Japan Different?" Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 13 (1, Spring), 37-67.

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