
Angelina Madero

Profile image of woman wearing a white sweater

Angelina Madero

Impact Investing Analyst

Angelina is currently finishing her undergraduate degree with a dual concentration in Finance and Entrepreneurship. She moved from Colombia to pursue her passions for finance, economics and social enterprise. Throughout her time at UBC, Angelina has committed to bringing positive change into the community. This by being a member of several student-led organizations including UBC Philanthropy Program, UBC Red Cross Club and SEED Mentorship Program at the Social Enterprise Club, where she honed an ability solve the most complex business and societal issues. She became strongly interested in impact investment and social enterprise after being an Investment Associate for 10th Avenue Fund, carrying out due diligence for medium to small enterprises. During her free time, she enjoys dancing, running, travelling and hiking along British Columbia. She is beyond excited to join S3i and push more research into impact investment!