
UBC Sauder BCom class of 2019 celebrates student achievements

Posted 2019-03-29

Three outstanding BCom students were awarded for their achievements at the UBC Sauder Commerce last Lecture at the Robert H. Lee Alumni Centre on March 28, 2019.

The Henderson award for Top Male Student of the outgoing class was awarded to Sam Wong; the Dilworth Award for Top Female Student went to Ena Gan; and the Hamilton award for Community was awarded to Kristine Wong.

Sam Wong believes his strong dedication towards positively impacting UBC Sauder and the greater UBC community helped him get to where he is today.

“My goal was always to make a difference – whether it was while representing UBC Sauder in case competitions, while acting as a Teaching Assistant, or as a student mentor,” he said.

“In my involvement in the greater UBC community, such as working with biomedical engineers to build and commercialize a medical device, I strived to exhibit UBC Sauder's core values.”

“In my mind, winning outstanding male graduate of 2019 is one of the highest honours and represents a powerful bookend to my BCom journey.”

He believes that UBC Sauder has equipped him with all it takes to succeed. “UBC Sauder has given me the building blocks to ask meaningful questions and continuously achieve excellence,” he said. “Specifically, the support of all of my driven peers and fantastic professors has pushed me to develop myself academically, professionally, and personally.”

Sam’s classmate, Ena Gan was equally thrilled with her award.

“Leadership to me means being a role model, sharing my advice and experiences, and providing the resources to support others so they can succeed,” she said. “I think throughout my involvements at school, I've been able to demonstrate this on multiple occasions and support my peers so they have the opportunity to grow and shine.”

Ena says her UBC Sauder journey broadened her horizons, taught her the importance of perseverance, inspired her to give back, and most importantly, helped build her personal and professional confidence.

Kristine Wong was extremely proud of her achievement too. “It was such a privilege and honor to be recognized in front of the UBC Sauder community. I know that this is a prestigious award, and I am truly appreciative of being acknowledged for all of my contributions to the community.”

Kristine believes her contribution to the community made her stand out. “I am compassionate and dedicated towards demonstrating my ability to lead, mentor, and inspire others, while continuing to contribute to the community,” she said.

She believes that the school had a big role to play in her growth. “UBC Sauder has not only provided me with a platform that enabled me to grow personally and professionally, but it has also been a place of opportunities, which has provided me with an endless volume of resources and support,” she said. “UBC Sauder not only encourages and fuels my passion for leadership, but has allowed me to become a catalyst for change to further impact the community.”

The lecture also included a talk by Dean Helsley, who encouraged the new graduates to keep learning. He reminded them that graduation isn’t the end of their time as students, but the beginning of a lifetime of being a student

After the awards presentation, BCom alumnus, and keynote speaker Ken Sim – took the stage.

Sim, Founder of Nurse Next Door and Rosemary Rocksalt spoke to the students about life’s ups and downs, reminding them that rough days lie ahead for everyone. It’s how we choose to deal with them that matters.

He encouraged the BComs to learn from all their experiences. Drawing on his own experience finishing second in the Vancouver city elections he said, “You never lose. You either win, or you learn.”

The evening ended with a champagne toast by Tamar Milne, Lecturer in UBC Sauder’s Marketing and Behavioural Science Division It served as a fitting end to the students’ UBC Sauder journey and the beginning of another.