
Two weeks in Israel for the Global Immersion Experience | Photo essay by UBC MBA student Hai Ha

Tel Aviv, Israel
Posted 2023-04-04

In a perfect ending to this incredible journey, I found myself standing on the same beach where it all began, my hair dancing in the wind and a big grin spread across my face!

Selecting Israel as my GIE destination was an obvious choice. The country's unique blend of cultures, religions, and history was enticing, but what truly amazed me was Israel's emergence as a ‘start-up nation.’

During my two-week trip, I indulged in mouth-watering falafels, immersed myself in the local culture, and collaborated with Israeli entrepreneurs on a start-up consulting project. I gained valuable experience on the significance of trust and communication in teamwork when facing a challenging project with no prior experience. I also learned first-hand about the potential impact of AI-driven solutions and that innovation is often born out of necessity, limited resources, and unwavering motivation and perseverance. These lessons have prepared me to become a reliable and trustworthy partner for entrepreneurs in my future career as a commercial banker.

Israel's entrepreneurial spirit and determination to succeed left an indelible impression on me. My unforgettable experience in Israel will be a story I share for years to come and the inspiration I look to as I build a new community and pursue my banking career here in Vancouver. The GIE was undoubtedly the highlight of my UBC MBA journey.

An experience etched in sand and memory
An experience etched in sand and memory