
Two weeks in Chile for the Global Immersion Experience | Photo essay by UBC MBA student Amar Grewal


Santiago, Chile

Posted 2023-04-12

Travelling to Chile presented some unique challenges that forced me to grow professionally and personally. It was my first time travelling outside of Canada to work and play. This challenged me to learn about my surroundings (neighbourhoods, hospitals, pharmacies, grocery stores, etc.), become conversant in basic language and gesture cues, and figure out how to move around the city safely and efficiently. 

I surprised myself with my ability to adapt quickly and think on my feet. I’ve become more and more aware of my own resiliency through the passage of time and because of the circumstances I have encountered throughout my life. 

My major growth moment occurred when I was able to step outside of my comfort zone to ask for help when I really needed it without feeling like I was giving my power away. While initially difficult as it requires a lot of self-confidence and comfort in demonstrating vulnerability, I felt incredibly lucky to be surrounded by classmates and professors who are good and compassionate people.