
Event | UBC Sauder Philanthropy Program Speaker Series
October 10, 2018

UBC Sauder Phil Program Speaker Series

The UBC Sauder Philanthropy Program is pleased to host a talk on “The Roadmap to Philanthropy” by Abdul Ladha on Wednesday, October 10, 2018.

Ladha is a prominent philanthropist and the Founder of Spark Global Philanthropic Foundation. He will be co-teaching a new 300-level 3-credit UBC Sauder course "Philanthropy in Review", with James Tansey, in January 2019.

At the talk, which is open to all members of the UBC community, Ladha will touch on topics including the Spark Foundation, concepts of charity vs. philanthropy, the currency of philanthropy, the role of philanthropy in corporations and impact investing vs socially responsible investing.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Henry Angus 968

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