
Hari B. Varshney

Hari B. Varshney

Founder and Partner of Varshney Capital Corp.

Hari B. Varshney has been actively involved in the community and supported numerous charitable projects. His contributions were recognized in 2006 with the British Columbia Achievement Award. In 2006, he donated $1 million to establish the Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre at the UBC Sauder School of Business. His daughter Vandana Varshney (BCom 1994) and sons Praveen Varshney (BCom 1987) and Peeyush Varshney (BCom 1989) are actively involved with the UBC Sauder School.

You should never forget how you started in life. It is because of UBC that I am where I am today – and it all started with my MBA scholarship, when I first came to UBC from India in 1967. Most of the universities were giving money in the second year, but UBC took a chance on me and offered me $1,500 in the first year.

My education and experiences here have afforded me exceptional opportunities. I’ve had a fantastic career. I feel it is a privilege and an honour to be able to give back to my community and country and to help future generations of students pursue and embrace new opportunities for their careers in business.